We are on cloud 9!
The theme of our 9th anniversary dinner for 2023 was family. As Lisa Weed says being a part of a family means you are part of something very wonderful, and that's exactly how we are feeling today.
Due to the generosity and support of our JMA family, together last night we raised £73,826. An incredible amount and a new record for the Trust. This money will allow the JMA Trust to continue making a difference to those who need us the most. #ForJohn See you all next year for the BIG TEN #JMATrust #ForJohn #John1inaMillion #JMAmillionChallenge
This is a special year for us, and we have given ourselves a very ambitious target. This year, the JMA want to break the £1 million mark in money raised.
10 years on since we lost John it would be a remarkable milestone for the JMA family to celebrate! 🍾
But hey.. TO DO THIS, THE JMA NEEDS YOU!! Could you become one of our amazing fundraisers?
Sometimes we lose sight of the person who inspired the Trust. But his positivity, passion and determination are still at our heart - they are present in the people fundraising for the trust and the donations we make. He really was 1 in a million 💚
Want to get involved? Get in touch - we'd love to hear from you 💚
The JMA Trust was established in memory of a very special man – John Maurice Aitken.
The John Maurice Aitken Trust is registered in Scotland as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with charity number SC045343.